Coronavirus Pandemic: Fatal Car Accidents in New Jersey Plunge!
COVID-19 has brought many hardships and difficult times to our country. If there is one silver lining, it is the fact that there are not as many drivers on the road. This caused a major decline in fatal car accidents in New Jersey. As businesses shut their doors and travel was restricted, the roads became…
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BABY ON BOARD: Safety Tips to Keep Your Child Safe on the Road
Being a new parent is scary enough. Add driving to the mix and you have yourself an anxiety attack cocktail! There are so many ways to stay safe and protect your child at all times while driving in a vehicle. Here are some tips to help you drive more safely and worry less about the…
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Summertime Motorcycling: Wear your GEAR! Protect yourself.
The beautiful weather during summertime has its perks. We can shed our winter coats and bask in the sun. One thing is for sure though, if you are operating a motorcycle, be sure to layer up with your protective gear. It may be hot, but as much as bikers love the open road, motorcycle crashes…
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A Helmet a Day Keeps the TBIs Away!
Whether you are riding a bike, a motorcycle, or doing any sort of activity that involves high speed and has the potential for injury, a helmet is a must have! Although you don’t wear helmets while driving in your car, there are ways to prevent a TBI even in the most mundane of situations. TBIs,…
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Tips for Staying Safe on the Water
During the summer in New Jersey and New York, many people enjoy spending time out on the water, whether it is on jet skis, sailboats, or any other kind of watercraft. Similar to car accidents, boating accidents have the potential to be devastating. At Judd Shaw Injury Law™, we don’t think you should have to…
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Slip and Fall
At Judd Shaw Injury Law™, our attorneys have the experience and resources to fight for people injured in slips, trips, and falls throughout New Jersey and New York. Slip and fall injuries, otherwise known as trip and fall injuries, are premises liability claims. This is a type of personal injury claim that results from a…
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