Have you ever tried to drive south down the Garden State Parkway during rush hour in the summer? How about mid-day on a weekend? If so, you’ve probably spent hours sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and it doesn’t get much better once you’re off the parkway. More cars on the road means more accidents, and at…
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Nursing Home Negligence in New Jersey
COVID-19 has greatly affected thousands of nursing home residents throughout New Jersey. With COVID-19 having a particularly strong impact on the elderly and individuals with pre-existing health conditions, nursing homes are not providing the proper care and attention needed by these at-risk individuals. According to NJ.com, over 5,000 people that were in long-term care at…
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Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend
While this Memorial Day weekend is different than in years past, we hope you have a great holiday weekend! Stay safe and have a great start to summer!
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How to Celebrate Memorial Day Weekend while Social Distancing
Memorial Day Weekend has long been a staple at the Jersey Shore for many to enjoy time with family, time with friends, great food, and the kickoff to summer. We have all grown accustomed to enjoying the holiday weekend at the beach, enjoying parties, and going out to bars, without worrying about potentially contracting COVID-19.…
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Common Outdoor Injuries and How To Avoid Them
With summer right around the corner, we can expect an increase in outdoor activity and injuries related to them. As COVID-19 restrictions soften and people grow tired of staying inside, people will inevitably be searching for innovative ways to get some fresh air and exercise while social distancing. Unfortunately, the more time people spend outdoors…
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What Happens if an Employer Does Not Report an Accident?
One of the most important things to do when you’ve been injured at work is to make sure the accident is reported. Many people don’t report accidents right away, which can lead to problems further down the line. The reason many people don’t report accidents is because there wasn’t any noticeable bodily harm or serious…
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