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Recovering from a car accident is difficult enough without having to deal with insurance companies, fighting tooth and nail for compensation. The fact that insurance adjusters are looking to pounce on any excuse to pay you as little as possible makes a tough situation worse.
On the other hand, there are precautions you can take to make sure your legal case is not unduly jeopardized. For one thing, consulting a car accident attorney could be your first step. He or she could advise you on how to avoid several difficult scenarios in order to protect your rights and possibly even maximize your settlement.
In this article, we will explore several situations that nobody wants to face after a car accident. We will also explain how an experienced attorney could help you avoid these tough spots.
1.Settling Too Quickly
It may be in the insurance company’s best interests to settle your case as quickly as possible, but it is rarely in yours. In the immediate aftermath of a car wreck, it is difficult to know how your injuries will affect you in the long run. Every individual is unique and could require different treatments and therapies to reach maximum medical recovery.
A check from an insurance company will probably come with a release, which is a legal document requiring you to sign away your right to sue for further compensation related to the accident in question. If you sign this agreement, cash your check, and then develop unexpected complications later on, you could be left with nowhere to turn for help to pay the bills.
On the other hand, a personal injury attorney can ensure your medical condition is fully investigated in order to understand the full scope of your injuries before calculating due compensation. Thus, your lawyer can pursue a fair amount of compensation reflecting your long-term needs.
2.Getting Pressured Into Making a Statement
After a car crash, your mind may be spinning with questions and concerns: What will happen to my car? Who will care for my kids? How long will recovery take? When can I get back to work?
While all this is going on, an insurance company may ask for your statement. The pressure builds.
When you are stressed out and in pain, it could be easy to write something that you later regret. The insurance company could later use your words against you to try to pin liability on you or devalue your claim.
A car accident lawyer can help by ensuring you provide a statement when you are ready, no sooner. Until that point in time, you can leave all contact with the insurance adjusters to your trusted lawyer. This way, you won’t be coerced into saying anything you later regret.
3.Filing Too Late
In New Jersey, you usually have only 2 years from the date of the car accident to file a personal injury case. If you wait too long to get started on your claim, you may not be able to pursue compensation at all.
So don’t delay in seeking legal advice. A car accident lawyer can let you know how the time left can be utilized. When there is time to take on your case and file your claim, your lawyer’s experience will prove to be invaluable because he or she is sure to work fast – so you avoid missing out on the compensation you deserve.
4.Making Statements That Lead to Liability Disputes
In their quest to find evidence to use against you, insurance adjusters may examine your social media accounts to look for posts relating to the crash or comments you made about your accident on other profiles.
The insurer could also use eyewitness testimony against you as to what you said or did at the scene of the accident.
In any case, the insurer’s goal is to shift liability for the accident onto you so they can pay you less money. A tenacious car accident lawyer, though, will have seen all these tactics before. He or she can advise you on how to avoid making posts or statements that could be used against you. Your attorney will also endeavor to counter any allegations the other side makes.
5.Receiving Poor Work From the Insurer’s Preferred Body Shop
The insurer may make you feel you have no choice but to use its preferred body shop. If you are unhappy with the end result, you will be left with no choice but to accept it. However, a personal injury lawyer could help you get the work done by a body shop you trust, even if it costs more than the quotation from the insurer’s preferred shop.
6.Being Pressured Into Mediation
Mediation can be a great tool for resolving car accident cases without going to trial. However, no one is required to go through mediation unless it has been mandated by the court. You should only go through with it if you are sure that mediation is the best course of action and you want to follow through.
A car crash lawyer can explain the pros and cons of mediation, allowing you to make an informed decision on this. If you decide to go ahead with the process, you can do so in the right frame of mind to benefit from it.
7.Failing to Prepare for Mediation
Mediation is designed to help both sides come to an agreement and move forward without the need for an expensive and time-consuming trial. However, mediation is not a mini-trial. Neither is it the time to argue and fight.
Rather, mediation is your opportunity for you to seek consensus and conclude the case in a way that will be acceptable to both parties.
To achieve this goal, a car accident attorney can prepare for mediation by:
- Drafting a mediation statement
- Documenting all losses related to your car crash, such as medical bills and lost wages
- Seeking and providing evidence of the non-economic losses you have suffered
During the mediation process, a car accident lawyer can advocate for you, calmly pursuing your best interests and negotiating a fair settlement. Having an attorney on your side takes the pressure off you and may give you the best chance of obtaining a fair settlement.
You Can Avoid Tough Situations With Judd Shaw Injury Law
After a serious car accident, the only matter you should have to focus on is your recovery. You should not be burdened by worries about handling insurance bullies who look to twist what you say to their own advantage.
Take that weight off your shoulders by consulting Judd Shaw Injury Law. We aim to be a knight in shining armor for our clients, upholding the time-honored values of chivalry and respect as we fight hard for their rights. When we take on your case, we will handle everything – from the first call to the insurers to the final negotiations or trial.
There is no need to delay in finding out what a Judd Shaw Injury Law car accident attorney can do for you. Call us 24/7, at 732-888-8888 to schedule a free case review, or fill out our online form. Our No Fee Guarantee® means you won’t pay us a cent unless you get money for your claim.

Content edited by personal injury attorney Judd Shaw. From the beginning, Judd established a set of Core Values laying out the pursuit for excellence in client service. He is a regular host of the Working The Wow podcast, with the belief that providing an exceptional client experience is just as important as delivering a quality service or product. You can find us in Red Bank and Tom‘s River, New Jersey.