With summer right around the corner, we can expect an increase in outdoor activity and injuries related to them. As COVID-19 restrictions soften and people grow tired of staying inside, people will inevitably be searching for innovative ways to get some fresh air and exercise while social distancing.
Unfortunately, the more time people spend outdoors enjoying various activities, the more people are going to get injured as a result of these activities. It’s important that as we start to spend more of our time outside, we are very careful and stay as safe as we possibly can. Here at Judd Shaw Injury Law™, we’ve compiled some of the most common outdoor activities people suffer injuries from and tips on how to avoid them.
Bicycle Injuries
A great way to stay active while keeping your distance from others is to go for bike rides. Find your favorite bike path or simply go for a ride around the neighborhood. However, cycling can be very dangerous. Bicycle injuries can come as a result of collisions with automobiles and other cyclists, hitting potholes, and simply by losing your balance.
The best way to avoid serious injury from these falls is by wearing a helmet. According to the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute, wearing a helmet can reduce the chance of a head injury by 85%. With May being Bike Safety Month, there’s no better time to stress just how important it is to always wear a helmet and keep an eye out for oncoming traffic and other cyclists.
Playground Injuries
Playgrounds, while fun, can be very dangerous places for children to play. When taking your children to play on the playground, be sure to warn them about the dangers of falling, stepping on loose nails, and tripping on broken equipment. If there are hard surfaces such as concrete near the playground, be sure to keep an eye on your children and keep them away from it as much as you can.
Before allowing your children to play on the playground, be sure either to give them gloves to wear or have them sanitize before and after coming in contact with the playground. Be sure to have your children follow the CDC’s recommendation by having them wear a mask, wash their hands often, and avoid touching their faces. Lastly, be sure to apply sunscreen regularly if you plan to be outdoors for a while.
Swimming Injuries
With many beaches opening soon for the summer, families opening pools, and the weather improving enough to swim in the ocean, lakes, and rivers, swimming can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors while getting some exercise. When jumping into bodies of water, never dive head first if the water is shallow. If the water is dark and you can’t see how deep it is, it’s best to be safe and jump in feet first or, if possible, walk in. If children are swimming, make sure at least one person is responsible for keeping an eye on them at all times.
Trampoline Injuries
While a blast, trampolines are notoriously dangerous. The average orthopedic surgeon sees one to three patients per week with trampoline injuries. The majority of trampoline injuries are sprains, bumps, bruises and fractures. The best way to minimize these trampoline injuries are with safety nets. Before using a trampoline, make sure it’s well maintained with no damage to its support bars or mat.
Hiking Injuries
Hiking is a great way to exercise while enjoying the outdoors and staying a safe distance from others. However, with the amount of time spent hiking and the amount of distance covered, the chances of injury go up with every step taken. When hiking, be sure to wear appropriate shoes or boots and carry the necessary equipment. Also be sure to watch where you step so as to avoid twisting an ankle or injuring yourself on the uneven ground.
Sports Injuries
If you’re social distancing with enough people, it’s okay to play sports like basketball, tennis and soccer, as long as no strangers are participating. Like all sports, it’s important to understand the seemingly endless ways in which injuries can occur. Always determine that the surface you’re playing on is in good condition. Additionally, wear the proper shoes for each sport. It would not only be silly, but also dangerous, to try and play basketball wearing soccer cleats.
Running Injuries
Going for a run around the neighborhood or on a path is a great way to get a lot of exercise and fresh air while social distancing. You won’t need to be near many other people, especially if you’re running alone. If you do need to run past others, you fortunately can see them ahead of time and pass from a safe distance, at most spending just a second or two within a few feet of them.
Always wear running shoes and avoid small obstacles, such as potholes, to protect yourself from twisting your ankle. Additionally, keep your eyes open and, if running with headphones, keep the volume low so you can be aware of any incoming vehicles.
From all of us at Judd Shaw Injury Law™, we wish you a very safe and enjoyable summer! Some exercise and fresh air are what we all need after being cooped up in our homes for the past couple months. Go out and enjoy it! Just be sure to follow CDC social distancing guidelines and take the necessary precautions to keep yourself and loved one’s safe during summer activities.
If something unexpected or unavoidable does happen and you are injured, do not hesitate to reach out to the experienced attorneys at Judd Shaw Injury Law™. The sooner you reach out to us, the sooner we can begin building your case. Call us at 732-888-8888 or email us at demandjudd@juddshawinjurylaw.com to Demand Judd and get the compensation you deserve.

Content edited by personal injury attorney Judd Shaw. From the beginning, Judd established a set of Core Values laying out the pursuit for excellence in client service. He is a regular host of the Working The Wow podcast, with the belief that providing an exceptional client experience is just as important as delivering a quality service or product. You can find us in Red Bank and Tom‘s River, New Jersey.