The month of February has been all about our love for our clients and for referrals. We’ve talked a lot about We ❤️ Referrals month and how much we appreciate the best form of flattery—the trust placed in us to represent our clients’ family and friends. We’ve also talked about Valentine’s Day & National Donor Day, discussing how important it is to care for our peers by registering as organ donors. Similarly, we wrote about American ❤️ Month and the importance of loving ourselves through taking care of our health and, most importantly, our hearts. With our last blog for the Month of Love, we want to touch on much simpler forms of love.
With this being the last week of February, we felt that we should explore random acts of kindness (RAOK) that we can use to spread the love to both the people close to us and complete strangers that we come across every day. At Judd Shaw Injury Law™, we love random acts of kindness due to the endless ways to make others simply smile.
With February coming to a close, it’s important to keep the love alive. If you need any ideas for how to spread a few random acts of kindness, look no further! We’ve listed a few possibilities, some large and some small, below! Pick some of your favorites or use them to inspire other ideas and start spreading some love for the rest of February and beyond! Oh—be sure to post on Instagram with our hashtag #juddshawinjurylaw so we can repost your awesome RAOK!
- Pay for the next person in line for their lunch, drink, or even some of their groceries
- Make a friend or family member breakfast in bed
- Donate to a charity of your choice
- Offer to babysit for free so friends or family can take a date night or catch a movie
- Spend a day volunteering at an animal shelter
- Give your waiter or waitress an extra tip above what you would normally for great service
- Do a favor without receiving anything in return
- Pick up litter in a busy area like a park or train station
- Tell your boss about one of your coworkers who’s doing a great job
- Share your umbrella in the rain with someone who doesn’t have one
- Compliment a stranger
- Let a driver merge onto a busy road
We support RAOKs and encourage all to spread the love and make someone smile—you’ll smile too as a result. We definitely love results!

Content edited by personal injury attorney Judd Shaw. From the beginning, Judd established a set of Core Values laying out the pursuit for excellence in client service. He is a regular host of the Working The Wow podcast, with the belief that providing an exceptional client experience is just as important as delivering a quality service or product. You can find us in Red Bank and Tom‘s River, New Jersey.