Christina Vergara
Chief Operating OfficerAs the Chief Operating Officer, Christina (Chrissy) Vergara oversees the firm’ operational efficiencies and processes to ensure JSIL meets its company promise: Provide high-quality legal representation and a first-class client experience.
In 2012, Chrissy started with JSIL in legal support and moved up the ranks, as intake manager, claims manager, and senior manager for the firm’s no-fault practice. In 2019, Founder & CEO Judd Shaw named Chrissy Chief of Staff to lead high-priority initiatives and head of Human Resources. In November 2020, Chrissy was tapped to take the helm of the company as Chief Operations Officer.
It’s a massive job, but one well suited for Chrissy, who not only built and managed many of the successful processes the firm uses today, but she is an effective leader and well-respected by her team. She is known for her tactical and organizational skills. Showing grace under pressure, keen judgment, problem-solving skills, and a willingness to work behind the scenes, Chrissy successfully spearheaded the movement to a new practice management solution that powers the business today. Her results-driven tenacity cleared the path for the firm and its team to see its fullest potential and remain competitive by offering top-notch professional services.
As the COO, her number one priority is company culture. The firm’s belief is that if you get culture right – with the right people doing the right jobs – most other stuff like delivering great service and building a long-term enduring brand will just happen naturally. The company has rallied around Chrissy to help set up clients for successful outcomes leading to long-term relationships.
- B.S., Northeastern University, 2012